Women and migrants: double discrimination
As a result of the patriarchal society in which we have to live, women continue to suffer situations of inequality and disadvantages compared to men.
Much progress has been made in recent years, legislation has been passed in favor of equality, but despite everything, this is not fully and truly alive. There are still differences in salary for the same professional category; the unemployment rate is higher for women; there is a lack of co-responsibility in domestic and care tasks; violence is sexist and women suffer it…
But you must also bear in mind that the category of woman is multiple and diverse, and it is not the same to be a woman from the north as from the south; with or without economic power; migrated or autochthonous; with ideological or religious beliefs in a given context or another; being straight or homosexual; old or young.. for this reason, we say that migrant women suffer double discrimination as women and also, because of their origin and immigrant.
With this space we want to add our grain of sand and help make visible the work done by the associations we have met, their capabilities, their leadership, their knowledge and show the different proposals and alternatives in order to break this invisibility. First of all, we wanted to give a voice especially to women’s organizations, but also to those mixed spaces, which are committed to having a specific line on gender and their own spaces for women. It’s not all there is, but it’s a start.
This space was created thanks to the “Visibilitzant la diversitat” project which has the support of Barcelona City Council.