2019 - Means and eradication of sexist violence
The European Network of Women Journalists and the DF Diario Feminista have carried out a study to find out how the media in Catalonia are incorporating the measures defined for the fight against gender-based violence from the State Pact against gender-based violence and in line with the Beijing Action Platform, in order to identify weak points, strengths and improvements to incorporate. The recommendations developed can be consulted in the results report.
Report results from the survey, interviews and discussion group. Narrow recommendations are key to improving this area.
Making women visible in their diversity
In 2015 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) presented a study on “Gender Indicators for the Media”, which pointed out, among other things, that the women hold less than 30% of management positions in the world’s media, or that 76% of people seen, read or heard in the media are men.
In the collective imagination lives on the idea that the media reflect society, when in reality they often distort it, given that women today have a much greater importance and presence in the world than what is perceive through the media. We must remember, as the UNESCO document did, that traditional media and new technologies are part of society and are transmitters of culture and engines of globalizing cultures. Therefore, as long as inequality exists in people’s social and mental structures, the media will have the opportunity to propagate and perpetuate it or to improve this situation.
The European Network of Women Journalists is an organization that works in favor of the exercise of communication with a gender perspective. Its associates are professional women in journalism and all the activities it carries out are particularly careful to transfer this vision to the media and society in general. For this reason, from the Network we are starting this project where we want to give visibility and recognize the work done by women’s organizations , make them visible and, whenever possible, put them in relation to the mainstream media. It is about being able to show what women’s organizations do and what they are, in their diversity, and being able to transfer this immense work that has often gone unnoticed or despised by society in general.
Through this project we will offer, free of charge, advisory services in the field of communication to those women’s organizations that want to make some of their activities visible . Another important aspect will be the realization of a communication training workshop for women’s organizations. The planned activities revolve around the following lines of action:
- Make visible the communication advisory service for women’s organizations.
- Adequately attend to the communication needs of each entity.
- Raise awareness among both entities and the media that they need to cooperate together to offer society respectful and accurate information on social issues.
- Strengthen the social responsibility of the media and entities as transmitters of messages, addressing issues in a respectful way with gender equality and the exercise of human rights, while making their work visible.
Do you want to access this free service? Send us an email at lared@mujeresperiodistas.net , explaining your needs.
Making the organizations that work on interculturality visible
In the same vein, we extend the service and also offer communication workshops and specific advice to those entities that come from the intercultural space.
Journalistic Advisory Service (SAP) for entities
The European Network of Women Journalists is developing a Journalistic Advisory Service aimed at Catalan organizations of cooperation and solidarity that do not have resources to allocate to communication.
The SAP has the logistical support of the College of Journalists of Catalonia, as well as funding from Barcelona City Council and the Catalan Development Cooperation Agency. The alliances and agreements reached with these actors allow the SAP to act at the level of peace, development and human rights NGOs in Catalonia; however, the ambition of the promoters of this project is to extend coverage to more sectors.
2007: We build Europe
Interviews with the deputies of the VI legislature of the European Parliament (2004-2009).